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    FastPaste v3.18

    FastPaste software is very useful to save you time. Using it you can simply text your desired image using custom shortcut keys in any part of the system copy. You can also easily signatures, addresses, e-mail , Web of Internet and IP, passwords or logins, long text and copy anywhere in your system. 

    The software has a series of functions formatting for clipboard and so you can text in the clipboard into the text selected earlier and later converted in addition to the Mac 's completely erase clipboard for you are provided. You can also Ssytm current date or time to quickly copy. And other features of this software supports various image effects that can be used on images that you often do, occur.

    A key feature of the software FastPaste: 

    - Paste any text (even very long) using hotkeys or buttons
    - Authentication text files, RTF files and images
    - Paste images
    - Apply different effects on pictures
    - Extension clipboard
    - Quick Copy the current system time or date from systray at any time
    - Easy to use
    - High speed
    - Create an icon in the system tray application and launches the Start menu of Windows
    - Compatible with different versions of Windows

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